Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Meera here. im hacking Zir's blog. weheee.. (: bah kau manis!!

Bye... (:

P.S: ku tukar eh gambar ah. HAHAHAH!!

29th September

wheee~~ i had to wake up early bah.. i had to attend my physic extra class.. yeeayyy for me!! dapat jumpa my girls.. tapi zura and myra nada datnag..durang damam.. get well soon dear.. Hugs~ THANK YOU to AZIIZAN bagi saya present.. a heart shape one ;D and THANK YOU to RABIATUL bagi saya phone holder.. THANKS guys.. mmwaahhh~~ and and sir raub told us stories pasal di Spain.. superr caliee.dun want to mention here..cause it involved one colour..HAHAHA apakaann~~~ ig pergi mana2 restaurant, just read the menu CAREFULLY ayte ;D **grinn**

aww~~after the class was dismissed, part yang sedih bah. salam2 each other and cakap 'selamat hari raya'... snifss.. love you guys always ;')

and and I had SO MUCH FUN arah tuition with Fatin and Meera..HAHAHAHA ;D

27th September

went sungaki with my geography's babies (erza,maria,aiman and zizi) at excapade ;D ishh!! ngaleh saya ngampu my mom bah ni ;p AHHAH the craziest thing is when i was with Maria waktu di The Mall.. hohoho.. you-know-what-my dear ;D see you in court!! AHAHAHA si AMAL capi..nada ia datang..manis eh.. cause it was her sister's birthday.. ALASAN ;p HAHA nada bah.. and and the guys kesian lah, durang punya makanan sampai akhir..kan sejam bah mkanan durang sampai..manis~~ and and i think, i hurt someone's feeling.goshh!! sorry dude~~ babies ku yg bini2 tau ni siapa..HAHAHA we dont mean to hurt your feeling bah.. and and harga sungkai kami $90+ tapi thank god my dad ada privilge card nya so we pakai lah..atleast ada less bah..HAHAHA siapa jua kuat makan kan.. ;p *a big sighh* that was our first and last sungkai gathering :( love you humannn..

Pictures : i dont have any pictures from our sungkai tapi arah camera maria ADA ;D

i went home around 8.40 dur to traffics in gadong.. gee~~

Tagged By Syahmi

1) What is the most important thing in your life?
# family – girlfriends – boyfriends - friends

2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
# recharge card

3) Where do you wish to get married?
# haven’t decide yet.. way toooo goo~

4) How old to you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
# 27 year old

5) Are you in love?
# could be.. HAHAHA

6) Where is the last restaurant you had dinner?
# Fusion

7) Name the latest book you bought.
# notebook

8) What is your full name?
# Dayangku Hajah Zirwatul Aqilah Binti Pengiran Haji Saifuddin

9) Do you prefer your mother or father?

10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
# idk

11) Christina or Britney?
# Christina

12) Do you do your own laundry?
# sometimes

13) The most exciting place you want to go?
# Mekah and Rome

14) Hugs or kiss?
# Hugs and Kisses

15) 8 things I am passionate about:-

Branded Stuffs

16) 8 things I say too often:-

Antah kau
Hey beh
Jua lagii

17) 8 movies/drama I've watched recently:-

Lipstick Jungle
Kimora in Fab Lane
White chicks
I cant recall ;p

18) 8 songs I could listen to over and over again:-

take me away
pussy cats dolls’ songs
Love Song

19) 8 thing I learned this year:-

Bahasa Melayu

20) Tag 8 people:-

1. Zuratul
2. Rabiatul
3. Barizah
4. Aziizan
5. Ummi
6. Amin
7. Wane
8. Sukainah

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

a dayyy

woke up around 7+ but too lazy kan bangun.. so i ended up bangun around 8+.. agian, i didnt attend for my geo extra class.. so stayed saja at home and watched Lipstick Jungle ;D

blaaaa..blaaaa.. its 2 0'clock.. time for my chemistry's tuition.. ahaha i thought i was the one yang akhir datang..rupanya i was the first bah..manis kau HAZ and BAR ;p tuition tadi,quite interesting.. HAHAHAAHA kami umpat THIS LA-DY bah.. we let it out arah teacher tadi.. sampai teacher pun ketawa mendangar..HAHAHA pacah eh.. i know, we are so MEANNN ;D tapi yang calinya si bar..HAHA banar2 ati nya bah.. love you babe ;p

GIRLS~ will see you tomorrow ;) hugs

22nd Sept

gee~~ my sister, DD was leaving back to Manchester for her 2nd year.. hehhh! ok ok.. so, we just left home around 9.45 but her flight was at 12.20.. manis~ awal banar kami datang.. HAHAAH barangnya excess bah.. tapi alhamdulillah, lapas jua.. but still, di rumah barang nya ada masih.. so my parents decided antar her things pakai post aje ;) nicee~~ yang datang jua ke airport were : KA LELA , SYAHMI , KA GMAH , KA MIMI and her boyfirend i think ;D THANKS guyss.. i didnt manage to talk with my sister banyak and not even take a picture with her.. sighh.. so blaa..blaa. times up!! a moment that we hate~~ the hugging and everything.. shiitooo!! thank god!! i didnt cry..HAHAHA tahan saja tiaa.. my parents sent her sampai arah boarding area.. nice~~

sungkai : a BIG SIGHH.. you know how it feels when your beloved one nada besama2 sungkai.. gee~~ my dad just kept silent semasa makan.. so, my brother, my big sis and i tried to cari cerita supaya nada diam.. arghh hate it so much!! OKAY ENOUGHH!! dun wanaa talk about it..

soo SISTA!!! do take care and study hard.. i know, this would be a second year raya without you..shitooo yoouuu juburr..

so yea, my Sir AZIZ who teached me a chemistry lastyear pun sambung belajar in UK.. im so sorry sir that i couldnt send you due to transport.. will text sir soon ayte ;D miss you sir!!

22nd September AZIIZAN's DAY


will give your present soon ah ;D love you babe!!! HE IS MY BESTIEST GUYFRIEND ;D

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tagged by ZURA

Name 16 people that pops in your head, without looking at the questions. No peeking!
1. ;)
2.Zuratul Nadhirah
3.Nur Barizah.
4. Rabiatul Adawiyah
5. Humaira Fajriani
6. Aziizan
8. Jim
9. Bill
16. Si kumal
So here is where the questions start.
//who is #12 to you?
she is cool friend of mine in diamond crown
//do you know what is #2 doing right now?
HAHAH like i know.. Zura, What are you doing babe?
//why #16 is one of your choice?
just because she is my hell kinky sister
//is #5 close to you?
Very~ She's one of my baybeehh
//will you ever date #6?
ofcourse. Kekanda saya bah tu.. kan beh? ;p
//what is #4 favourite color?
//who is #8 to you? Is he/she nice to you?
she’s my twin. Kan JIM? Love you.. totally nice but she loves to bully me.. damnn you woman
//how did you met #9?
HAHAHA cemana nah.. dengan ikatan silaturahim ;D she’s my lovely cousin anyway
//do you have crush on #7?
No.. HAHAH blushing tarus beh meera me.. HAHAHA
//describe #10
SHE’s MEAN.. i mean she is a MEANWHORE in the tuition.. HAHA kidding babe.. seriously, she is NICE GIRL ;D
//what do you think of #13
she's s friendly girl.
//who do you prefer? #14 or #15?
//#3, why is his/her name pops in your mind?
Because she's the BITCHH.. hahaha nada lah.. cause im totally fall-in-love with her..HAHAHA she is my best –bestest- bestiest friend
//tell me why do you choose #1. Tell me about him/her?
HAHAHAHA only god knows ;p
saya mau tag :


me and Bar
Zura and Rabs

we had our pisikaaa today at 9 until 11 in the physics's lab ;D yeeahh!!! saya jumpa my girls =D nothing much to say, kami belajar ajee macam biasa.. as usual saya datang akhir..hehehe manis~~


owhh yesterday, at my dad's side panggil sungkai pasal kaka Shiqin kan sambung belajar in UK and sambut Adlina's birthday.. tapi, i didnt come :( SORRY to my sayang JIM!! just because of my stupiidoo tuition bah..hehehe MISS YOU ALOT!!! my mom didnt cook for our sungkai kelmarin so we made delivery and ordered Le Taj.. HAHAHA i know right~~ we ate indian food kelmarin with nasi briyani and all stuffs.. woow~~ sedap.. then then.. ordered Mc'D and Ideal.. owhh owhh again, my cousin sedekah makanan for our sungkai.. panuh bah meja di dapur ah.. alhamdulillah~~hehehe ;D

Thursday, September 18, 2008

mirror mirror on the table

THANKS to our lovely girl, ERZA.. ia bagi kami mirror.. mine is the purple one ;D


AGAIN.. i woke up early ;D hehehe tapi tangahari,i fell asleep samapi bangun at 2+.. HAHAHA

tuition: ishh~~ i was the 1st yang datang ah.. manis 2nd si farah, 3rd amal and 4th si paling manis.. si MARIA.. reason nya lagi nada munasabah..HAHAHA kidding Hon~~ ;p owhh yeaahh, her japanese guy nada tuition .. aww~~ so sad ;p and blaa.blaaa...blaaa.. ERZA showed up with her heels.. nice babe.. nampak tia lagi ia tinggi.. hishh!! tanggalam aku sama si maria.. HAHAHA owhh owh we have our own name..hehehe

ME - porkwhore (i wore my wedges with baju upah)
ERZA - geekwhore (she is playing with the rubik's cube)
MARIA- meanwhore (she keep on gossiping and mean to people)
AMAL - moodywhore (owhh alert!!alert!! she's the temper one..hehe nada you beh)

HAHHAHA i know capi2 nma kami..tapi inda jua ulah.. semula jadinya..

13th September

ARGHH!!!! i had my malay oral.. ANTAH!!! ANTAH!! ANTAH!! sakit ati ku eh.. the examiners were very rude.. bukan saja aku yang cakap cemani, even my friends pun ckap cemani.. seriously!! i did give a salam arah durang, tapi durang nada jawab..instead this one lady baca buku borneo tia pulang..inda manis di mana tuu~~ and and i did salah cakap bah.. supposed to its 'meragut' tapi aku cakap 'merangut' and then apa nah ia cakap. 'kamus mana kau pakai ani?mun inda kami carikan'... ARGHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sudah pun ku nervous kana buat lagi cematuu.. berabisly ku HOT!! sudah pun i had my gastric sama headache dengan panas hari atu..hishh!! sabar..sabar.. and

to MEERA: kuatkan semangat beh!! you have 1 month to go~~


pssttt yoo girl ;p HAHAHAHA japanese~~japanese.. HAHAHAH talor ehh!!! bah nanti ngacau urang atu ah.. manis ehh.. anyhoots, ERZA!! i miss you!!! and thanks sweetheart for the watch.. saya suka banget.. HUGS.. love you babe ;) aaaaa, students diamond crown banyak nada masuk class bah that night.. manis kamu ah..

to my sis DD : hell no!!! saya nada marah mu lah.. its just that, i didnt hane any mood that day bah.. i love you~~~ you know that

15th September

a very sad day for me.. i didnt spend my time with my girls huh ;'( i stucked in the computer's lab.. ARGHH!!! i had to re-do my coursework pasal some information mesti ku tambah.. and blaa.blaaa.. just 25minutes i spent my time dengan durang!! gilaaa jua tu.. it was my lastday wahh ;( and and durang beibun ah.. aaa kamu jahat!!! but still, I love you girls =') my girls made a silly names ah..ahahaha









U-umbilical cord




HAHAH ada2 saja wah durang ani..banartah.. tapi nama ku bah yang manis ani.. pakai words bio pasal reproduction..hishh!! i know im a yellow minded bah..JAHAT you guys!! mwaahh ;D HAPPY HOLIDAYS GIRLS..

and and.. THANK YOU to Cikgu MIB for the AMPAU.. darnn.. cikgu yang kami nada pernah dengar ia mengajar and nada paham if ia ajar bah.. hishh.. i didnt mean to hurt your feeling cikgu ah.. bedusa rasa ku ehh..hehehe selamat hari raya cikgu.. HUGS . hehe ngampu lah ni ;D tapi seriously, IM SORRY.. nada mau lagi buat cematu ah

not to forget,

asif's sister,
May Allah Sweet bless you guys.. mwaahhh ;D

16th September

was a last day of school holiday.. but, us as in the SD's didnt attend for school ;D our school held khatam ceremony bah, yatah surang2 nada mau datang.. lagipun i asked teacher, ramai or inda urang skulah.. and she said, inda ;D HAHAHAH manis jua tuu..

GIRLS!!! I MISS YOU!!!! and my friends yang lain jua ah.. okay, we have to beljar banar2 ahh.. tinggal 1 month lagi ni exam.. arghh!! nervous eh.. i have to speed up ni belajar.. hishh =( do take care.. love love~~

17th September

we had our physic extra class at 9 until 11.. HAHAHA and i arrived at school at 9.40 i think.. HAHAH 40minutes late.. nice~~ sudah pun aku akhir datang ah.. teclashed lagi with sir johnny. manis sir atu eh.. he asked me pasal i know asif attend extra class or indaa.. cali bah sir ani ehh.. tapi THANKS sir, pasal bagi the solutions for the pastyear questions.. and selapas atu, saya sasat!! HAHAHA kurus ku bah, mencari di mana lalunya untuk ke conference 2.. pasal ada pagar yang tutup.. hishh!! so, i called zura lah..hehehe

Conference 2 : belajar..belajar~~ and combined with the Einsteins ;D eh darl jijan nada ehh.. miss you beh!! and then, kana bagi few minutes break time..and and WANE , HANNY and AMIN menari.. COOOL~~~ Sir sudah bali a new printer.. yahoo!! ada notes becolour..HAHAH L.A.M.E mee~~ SIr suruh kami bagi signutres on the printer ah just because, Einsteins and Newton sharing bayar untuk bali new printer ;D

after extra class, Bar ikut saya balik.. HAHAHAHA we watched cerita clueless.. HAHAHA heck banar ceritanya ahh.. talor2ran.. AHAHAHA i felt very sleepy meliat movie ah..HAHAHA and and kami ada secret pasal di dapur.. HAHAHA its between me and bar saja.. until my mom bangang meliat di dapur apa yang kami buat..lalalalalaaaa~~~ ;p

tick tok tick tokk~~ we had our chemistry tuition with HAZ ;D

at 5 : went to meera's house..THANKS to beh MEERA and her MOM pasal bagi the food!! thanks baybehh!! loving youu~~ ;D


woke up early at 7+ and then tidur balik sampai pukul 11+. HAHAH manis~~ petangnya, i had my tuition di berangan.. yeahhh jumpa si MEERA and si FATIN!! Fatin, get well soon my dear ah..

at night: yummy.. i ate Soto ;D woow.. after sungkai, my brother was craving for tirimisu.. so, ia suruh my sister buat lah.. paksa jalan, pegi Supa Save bali barang2nya.. HAHAHA and i bought durian..HAHAHA lagi nada2 yang kan ku makan ah..AHAHAHA ;p blaa.blaaa.. HAHAHAH cali.. cali~~ saya beibun with my brother wah.. pasal bari gigitan wah ia, i slapped at his back lah.. and then ia buat revenge..HAHAHA apa lagi, keluar lah taekwando ku~~ HAHAHA yang ku lawan ani,badan tinggi sama basar..aku bah badan yang damit ani..HAHAHA apa lagi~~ we just BROKE our mom's crystal.. HAHAHHAHA talor!!!!! gosh!! kami laju2 panyap the kaca and tapuk2 bawa ke dapur..HAHAHA we put the crystal dalam plastic bag and simpan dalam stire..HAHA my mom heard the noise yang gugur ah.. she asked me lah, apa pacah ah.. then i said, "hmm mana ada".. HAHAH heck!!! few minutes later, my sister DD, tanya my mom ,

DD: bu,ada babu rasa mcam ada kurang dalam bilik tamu ani?

my mom: mana ada.. apa?

DD: nada kan nada?

my mom: apa pacah ah?

DD: HAHA nadaaa

and i was like, HAHAHAH talor anak ani ehh..tarus tarus kau tunjuk my brother dapan my mom..HAHAHA i didnt do anything bah..HAHA iatah karang~~ we just laughed.. gilaa..puasa2 buat dosaa wahh..

Friday, September 12, 2008


GUYS!!! i will update my blog soon ayte ;) Sorry .. mwaahh ;D

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tagged by Rabs

Starting time:
x 4.18 pm
x dk hjh zirwatul aqilah
x two
x one
Shoes size:
x six
x 154m
Where do you live:
x gadong
Favourite drinks:
x teh tarik , chocolate shake , ice – lemon tea , mineral water and orange juice
Favourite breakfast:
x anything will do

Have you ever:

Been on a plane?:
x yes
Swam in the ocean?:
x hell no
Fallen asleep at school?:
x ofcourse. Who doesn’t? ;p
Broken someone's heart?:
x ohh did i? HAHAH
Fell off your chair:x yes.. aww~~
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call:
x yes
Saved e-mails:
x sometimes
What is your room like:
x NOT cool
What's right beside you:
x phone , camera , books
Last thing you ate:
x sahur

Ever had:
Chicken pox:
x yes
Sore throat:
x DUHH~~
Broken nose:
x no
Do you believe in love at first sight:
x HAHAHA i have no idea
Like picnics:
x ofcourse
Who was/were the last person/people you danced with:
x sister
Last made you smile:
x my girls
You last yelled at:
x my sis

Today did you:

Talk to someone you like:
x ;D
Kissed anyone:
x no
Get sick:x sick of test? YES
Talk to an ex:
x no
Miss someone:
x ofcourse i do ;D
x no
Best feeling in the world:
x WOWW~~
Do you sleep with stuffed animals:
x tim tim girl si tom tom ;p
What's under your bed:
x none
Who do you really hate:
What time is it now?:
x 4.26pm


Is there a person who is on your mind now?
x yes
Do you have any siblings?
x hishhh~~ yes lah
Do you want childrean?
x yes, i do
Do you smile often?x always . im insane ;D
Do you like your hand-writing?
x ohh no ;(
Are your toe nails painted?
x no
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in?
x hmmmmm
What color shirt are you wearing now?
x white
What were you doing at 7.00 p.m. yesterday?
x watching TV
When did you cry last?
x few days ago
Are you a friendly person?
x tell me about it ;p
Do you have any pets?
x yes
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?
x ;D
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?
x my sis? Yes..dia adalah segalanya *PUKEE* ;p
Do you sleep with the TV on?
x sometimes
What are you doing right now?
x m typing bah
Have you ever crawled through a window?
x yes. HAHAHA pacah~~~
Can you handle the truth?
x i do
Are you too forgiving?
x yes
Are you closer to your mother or father?
x neither
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
x sisters
How many people can you say you've really loved?
x lots
Do you eat healthy?
x aku tunggap apa saja bah ;p
Do you still have pictures of you and your ex?
x no
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?
x yes
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
x the sd's ofcourse and the bestfriends
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?
x depends
Are you confident?
x m not a girl whose have a self-confident ;( huhu
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
x playful
x cried a lot
x in primary school
xand blaa blaa

5 things on my to-do list today:
x up dating my blog
x sungkai
x tuition
x tadarus
x revision

5 snacks I enjoy:
x nachos
x kit kat
x Lindt
x malteaser
x chessy snacks

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
x travelling
x shopping
x naik Haji
x donate
x build a mansion house

5 of my bad habits:
x lazy
x burp ;p
x penyamal
x easily gets hurt and then nangis ;p
x temper

5 places I have lived in:
x berakas
x burung pingai
x jerudong
x gadong until now

5 jobs I've had:
x a daughter , a sister , a student , a friend and so on ;p