Saturday, November 8, 2008

November, 7th

first of all, HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY!! May Allah sweet bless you with good health and happiness.. ;D and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Aziizan's brother ;D

-woke up at 6+..
-did all the laundry
- revised my geo..
-went to school around 1.45pm
-from nowhere, BAR was being so soo hyper and to BITUL..hahah sungguh cali eh pasal the sweets ah ;p
-to ZURA and MAIRA - love you women
-damnnitt..i thought the sitting arrangement for geo' papers sama with other subject bah, rupanya INDA!!! arghh!! menyasal banar ku,minum ice-lemon tea..gee~~ payah pulang kan ke toilet tahan saja tia until balik
- went to Hua Ho Mall with BAR dengani my sis ke saloon.. HAHAHA eventhough nada kan di baliand kan di aga..tapi SIUK.. HAHAHA aapa tu,batah wah kami arah TOYS section ah..AHHAHA miss the old days eh ;p and and cali waktu kami makan..HAHAHA malang sungguh nasib kami berdua and bar,i was not supposed to eat the prawn balls bah..AHAHAHA shhh dont you ever tell my parents ah..AHHAHA
-arrived home at 7.. gahh!! too tired to take my shower.. at 9 baru shower and had my dinner..gee~~ im craving for lamchop, burger, creme bulee, junk food and stuffs eh ;p

ohh speaking about food, *celaputs* arghh!! starting two days ago, bebalik eh.. i have to balance permakanan ku..eeee~~ breakfast: cereal or apa ruti tawar *atuu banaa* , lunch and dinner: steam cooks and soup.. babi!! nada jua saya hidup tu..whawahwaa sniffs. nada apa.. sabar saja ah ;p